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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Dating Mistakes

Yep, more dating mistakes. These are ones I’ve experienced personally. Really.

1. Talking to me once doesn’t give you the right to call me baby and say you know me

2. Never ask a woman her height or age, especially on the first date.

3. On a first date, never ask if a woman is on birth control, just so you “won’t have to worry about it later.” Don’t worry about it, it’s never going to happen.

4. Never brag about all the people you’ve slept with. It doesn’t make me want to sleep with you. Instead, I get the compulsion to take a scalding hot shower and get a shot of penicillin.

5. Remember: “The truth will out.”

6. Okay, guys. Don’t bother lying. You always forget the lie and its details. And I have an impressive memory.

7. Never contact the other person’s family members via Facebook stalking when things don’t work out. It’s creepy, pathetic, and stalker-ish.

8. Does it really matter how much money I make? Does my paying my own rent emasculate you?

9. Just because I’m female doesn’t mean that I will automatically cook for you or have your children.

10. Pay attention to what your date is talking about. Otherwise I’m going to start talking about Taco Bell and spoons and see how long it takes for you to notice.

11. Don't start with the "I want to marry you" after knowing the person for two hours. It reminds me of Stephen King's "Misery.' I'd like to keep my feet attached to my legs, thank you very much.

12. I don’t care if the girl walking by has a nice rack. I really don’t.

13. Don’t pretend to be an expert on something you’re not. It tempts me to make stuff up, which you will later repeat and sound like an idiot.

14. Don’t mention your preference for blondes when on a date with a brunette.

15. I don’t want to hear about your Asian fetish. I’m not Asian, so it doesn’t concern me.

16. No means no. It also means I will throw you across a coffee table.

I’m sure I will have several “Don’t do this on a date” posts to come. People continue to astound me, but at least it makes life interesting.

Thank you.